TKE Coed Bunco   ( Feb 22, 2025 . . .  7:30 )

Meal Coordinator:  Ellen Cooper  4042160064

Meal Location:   Temple Kol Emeth Social Hall,  1415 Old Canton Road, Marietta, GA 30062

Notes from Ellen Cooper . . .

We had to cancel the January date due to inclement weather, but have rescheduled for FEBRUARY 22. This year we continue the tradition of "desserts only" so participants are encouraged to eat dinner at home. Bunco will start at 7:30 and no experience is required to play. Cost to play is $10 per person (cash only) and will be collected at the door. At the end of play cash prizes will be awarded for most buncos, most wins, and most losses. All remaining funds will be donated to TKE's Women of Reform Judaism. Enter your choice of what to bring below. If attending as a couple, please list both names so we have an accurate count of attendees. Thanks!