GFC Fellowship Lunch   ( Apr 30, 2023 . . .  12:00 )

Meal Coordinator:  Marcy Jackson  705-440-8236

Notes from Marcy Jackson . . .

Happy Spring!

Please sign up for our April Fellowship Lunch! Make it or buy it...we need it all!

School is a NUT free zone.

Quick food ideas:
Bagged salad, or pre-made salads
Pre-cut veggie tray/fruit tray
Pre-cooked roasted chicken, carved and on a platter please :)
Store or Bakery cookies, pies, brownies
Pre-made samosas, lasagne (pre-bake at home first),
Take out pizza, bucket of chicken and potato wedges.
Costco does pre-ordered croissant sandwiches that have been really popular.

Please make sure mains come in a 9 x 13 Foil pan or equivalent (no handles) so we can fit more in the ovens or in a Heat/serve ready Electric pressure cooker/crock pot. Pizza/take out can be served from the box/container.

Please label your mains so we know what it is.
Label pots & Lids so we keep them together, masking or painters tape works great for this
We have serving utensils at the church, if you bring your own make sure you get it after :)

We average about 325 on a pot luck Sunday...What a blessing!
This means we need A LOT of food. To date we have been really short on mains. If you don't cook, please consider a take-out item to bring.