Grace Life Picnic   ( May 5, 2024 . . .  5pm )

Meal Coordinator:  Mandy Swink  8643160858

Meal Location:   Grace Bible Church,  107 West Rd, Moore, SC 29369

Notes from Mandy Swink . . .

Please remember to label your containers or use disposable containers.

If you are a large family, please consider signing up for more than one category.

If you sign up to bring toppings for the burgers and hotdogs, please be sure to bring all the items listed in that category so that we have plenty.

This will be outdoors (weather permitting), so please don't bring items that could melt (ex. ice cream). If you plan to bring fruit, please bring it ready to eat (washed and chopped).

*REMINDER* Grace Bible Church will be providing burgers, hotdogs, buns, beverages (water and lemonade) and mustard, mayo, and ketchup.