MVP Fall West 2016 - Low Country Boil

To change the details of your group meal, use the form below and click "SUBMIT GROUP MEAL DETAILS" at the bottom of the page.
Or, click here to return to the sign up sheet without making changes.

Meal Coordinator . . .

First Name

Last Name


Phone Number

Admin Password

As coordinator, you will use this password to
make edits to your group meal as needed.
Event Details . . .

Event Name

User Password

You and your potluck participants will use
this password (feel free to change it) to
log into the schedule.
Event Date . . .

Event Time . . .   
Use for ongoing meal schedules.
Meal Location . . .

 Location (for example, "Our house", "The Community Center", "Park")


This will be used to provide a link to Google Maps for directions.
Categories . . . (the categories below can be renamed)

A quantity must be included for your categories to appear on the sign up sheet.
For example, if you need 2 people to bring 100 napkins each, # Needed should be 2,
and the Note should read "Please bring 100 napkins".
If you are inviting mostly families for your meal, be sure to ask everyone to sign up for 2-3 items.

 Category  # Needed  Notes
click here to add more categories
Notes . . . (additional details for your group, including the time of the meal)

External Web Links . . . (provide links to other web sites in your notes)

 Link #1 (for example, "")
 Name of Link #1 (for example, "Ellen's Blog")

 Link #2 (for example, "")
 Name of Link #2 (for example, "Recent Photos")