Creative Uses for

JUNE 10, 2016  /  MAUREEN WITMER  / 

Creative Uses for

We love our users. Hearing your stories and watching you care for each other encourages and inspires us each day. It is a privilege to be involved in your lives in a small way.

We also love hearing from you! Recently, we learned of some creative uses for our site. It's amazing to see how you've come up with additional ways to bless others through a site that was created for meal organization!

Care Packages for Deployed Service Members

A user named Christin wrote, "My brother is about to be deployed for the second time. The first time we just randomly sent packages. This time, we're using your site to organize the efforts of our various churches and family members so we should be able to get a package out every week for him. This means a lot to him and his fellow troops so thank you for helping to facilitate it and make it so easy! He'll be gone for 9 months and it's great to have this service available".

Coordinating Volunteers

Some organizations have mentioned that they use our site to organize volunteers. One that is very near to our hearts is the Ronald McDonald House. Dinners for Ronald McDonald House residents are made by local volunteers nearly every night of the week. These generous individuals, families, businesses, college organizations, etc. buy the ingredients and cook a meal so that the people staying at the House can focus solely on the needs of their sick children instead of worrying about dinner. Some schedules have over 2,000 coordinated meals! Here is a post I wrote with some more interesting facts about this worthy organization.

Virtual Gift Card Showers

Gift cards are a wonderful blessing to expecting families, new moms, families facing a hospital stay....basically anyone! Cards to nearby restaurants, Target/Walmart, and VISA gift cards are always welcome gestures. If you have friends or family out of town who could use some encouragement, consider setting up a virtual gift card shower. You can create a TakeThemAMeal schedule to make sure everyone isn't sending the same types of cards. Put the desired card suggestions in the notes section. Email the schedule to anyone you know who might want to chip in.

Dining with a friend at a nursing home

When you have a loved one in a nursing home who enjoys company, why not use TakeThemAMeal to schedule meal time visitors? Some of our users have done this and we think it is such a sweet idea.

Some other ideas include coordinating

  • Childcare
  • Running errands for a friend in need
  • Picking up groceries
  • Dog walking
  • Snacks for sport teams or youth groups
  • House cleaning or laundry for a family in need

Is there anything you would add? We'd love to hear it!

Read other recent articles by Maureen Witmer:

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Adina & Maureen
Adina & Maureen

Welcome! We're thrilled you stopped by. Our own joys and sorrows have taught us that a well-timed meal delivered by a friend is one of the best gifts imaginable. In this space, we share our favorite recipes to take to friends, meal-taking tips, and other ways to care for those who are dear to you.

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